Azure Active Directory Explained in Simple Terms
By Prashant V Shrivastava - Azure AD stands for Azure Active Directory. In simple terms, Azure AD is a digital directory that helps manage and organize user accounts and access various resources in the Microsoft Azure cloud environment. Azure Active Directory Imagine Azure AD as a virtual phonebook that keeps track of all the users, their information, and the services they can access. It acts as a central hub for authentication and authorization, verifying who you are and what you can do within Azure. Azure AD allows organizations to create and manage user accounts, providing a secure way for employees or users to access cloud-based applications, services, and resources. It helps control access to sensitive information and ensures that only authorized individuals can access specific resources. Here's a simple analogy: Think of Azure AD as the gatekeeper to a building. It checks your credentials (username and password) to confirm your identity before granting you access to the reso